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Akashic Records

What Are The Aksashic Records?

The Akashic Records are a metaphysical library of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intentions ever to have occurred. Often envisioned as a "cosmic library" or "universal supercomputer," the Akashic Records contain a record of every soul's journey throughout its existence. These records hold the details of every life, providing insights into past, present, and potential future events. Accessing these records is believed to offer profound wisdom and guidance, helping individuals understand their purpose, challenges, and life patterns on a soul level.

What kind of information can I expect to receive from an Akashic Record reading?

An Akashic Record reading can provide a wide range of information, including insights into your soul's purpose, karmic patterns, past life experiences, and spiritual lessons. You may receive guidance on relationships, career, health, and personal development. The information is tailored to your current needs and questions, offering practical advice for overcoming obstacles and making empowered choices. Readings can also highlight your strengths, talents, and potential, helping you align more closely with your true self and life mission.

Can Akashic Records help me understand my past lives?

Yes, Akashic Record readings can offer detailed insights into your past lives. By exploring these records, you can uncover significant events, relationships, and lessons from previous incarnations. Understanding your past lives can shed light on current life patterns, fears, and strengths, providing a deeper understanding of your soul's journey. This knowledge can help you resolve lingering issues, break unhealthy patterns, and move forward with greater awareness and purpose.

How do Akashic Record readings work?

During an Akashic Record reading, a trained practitioner connects with the Akashic Records through meditation and spiritual alignment. Using their intuitive abilities and guidance from spiritual beings or masters, they access the records relevant to your soul. The practitioner may use prayer, meditation, or other spiritual techniques to enter this higher state of consciousness. They then retrieve information about your past lives, current life path, and future potentials. The insights provided can help you understand the root causes of current issues, offering clarity and direction for personal growth and healing.

How should I prepare for an Akashic Record reading?

To prepare for an Akashic Record reading, take some time to reflect on your intentions and what you hope to gain from the session. Write down specific questions or areas of your life where you seek clarity. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can relax and won't be disturbed. Approaching the reading with an open mind and heart is essential, as this will help you receive the information with greater receptivity. It can also be helpful to meditate or engage in calming activities before the session to center yourself and enhance your connection with the spiritual realm.

Night Sky with Stars

Myth's About The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records Are a Physical Library


The Akashic Records are not a physical place you can visit. Instead, they are an energetic database or a vast network of information that exists beyond the physical realm. Think of them as a universal consciousness that records every thought, action, and experience of every soul. Accessing them is like tuning into a spiritual frequency rather than opening a book in a library.

Only Psychics or Spiritual Experts Can Access the Akashic Records


Anyone can learn to access the Akashic Records with practice and intention. You don’t need to be a psychic or a spiritual guru. Through meditation, mindfulness, and setting a sincere intention to seek knowledge, you can connect with your records. It's about developing a personal practice and trusting your inner guidance.

The Akashic Records Predict the Future


The Akashic Records don’t provide concrete predictions about the future. Instead, they offer guidance and insights based on your current path and choices. Think of them as a spiritual map that shows potential routes and outcomes depending on your decisions. Your free will and actions still play a crucial role in shaping your future.

The Akashic Records Are Only About Past Lives


The Akashic Records encompass much more than just past lives. They hold the complete record of your soul’s journey, including past, present, and potential future experiences. They can provide insights into various aspects of your life, such as your life purpose, relationships, health, career, and spiritual growth. They offer a holistic view of your soul’s evolution and the lessons you are here to learn.

The Akashic Records Are the Devil’s Work


The Akashic Records are not associated with anything evil or demonic. They are a spiritual resource that provides insights and guidance for personal growth and understanding. Throughout history, many cultures have referenced similar concepts:

  • Hinduism: The concept of the Akashic Records is similar to the Vedas' idea of "Akasha," which is the ether or the space in which the universe is written.

  • Christianity: Some Christian mystics have spoken about a "Book of Life" that records all of our deeds, which aligns with the idea of a spiritual record.

  • Islam: The concept of the "Preserved Tablet" (al-Lawh al-Mahfuz) is believed to hold the divine knowledge of all things.

  • Theosophy: In the late 19th century, Theosophists like Helena Blavatsky popularized the idea of the Akashic Records as a repository of all human experiences.

These references show that the concept of a spiritual record is recognized across various traditions and is not inherently tied to any negative or malevolent forces. The Akashic Records are meant to aid in personal and spiritual growth, offering wisdom and insights from a place of love and higher understanding.


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Is it possible to receive a remote Akashic Record reading?

Yes, Akashic Record readings can be conducted remotely via phone, video call, or even email. The practitioner can access your records from anywhere, as the connection is made on a spiritual level rather than a physical one. Remote readings are just as effective as in-person sessions, allowing you to receive the same level of guidance and insight from the comfort of your home. Ensure you have a quiet, private space for the session to facilitate a focused and uninterrupted experience.

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